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Chris Toohey (GBS) | Facebook | LinkedIn | Skype | christoohey
Chris Toohey, perhaps best known from, is an award-winning ICS developer, technical author, and community advocate. Chris brings over 14 years of experience with ICS products to the global community of IT professionals through both online and "real world" evangelism. Evolving in tandem with the greater online community, his prolific participation in the IBM LDD forums publically addressing business partner and customer needs transitioned to leveraging enterprise and consumer social networking. As the lead for multiple projects ("Showtime" even being showcased by RIM during several WES presentations), former Lead Community Advocate (non-IBMer) for the IBM Lotus Technical Information and Education community, one of the first "Remote Residency" authors for multiple IBM Redbook Wikis, and "Guru" for GBS, Inc., Chris has established himself as a "go-to" resource for customers, business partners, and IBMers alike.
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