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Injecting Social Juice into the Power Grid: A Case Study on Social, Gadgets, Documents, Cloud, and the Solutions Used at an Electric Utility Company
Speakers: Arif Jaffer Daniel Lieber Track: I Don't Know Where This Fits

Experience a case study focused on a North American Utility that increased worker productivity from a multi-business partner solution. The company initially needed a document management and records management system and quickly realized that content integrates with many business processes.

Working closely with, IIUI, Castlebreck, Trilog, Prominic and IBM, the Utility implemented a set of solutions that has empowered their people, and brought their processes and productivity into the social era. Technologies to be showcased include IBM Connections, an open social gadget to link Connections to DOCOVA, Records Manager Express, ProjExec, and both the on-premises and cloud implementations.

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