The Gathering of North American Lotus User Groups

Fast track to plug-in development

This is a topic discussed often, even at IamLUG last year.  How do we start building plug-ins and widgets?  Join Michael Masterson, IBM, as he covers:
Heard about Lotus but not quite sure how to get started integrating into our collaborative software ? Want to rapidly integrate an existing application and create a "dashboard" view of it in the sidebar? This session will put you on the fast track for plug-in and composite development development and with skills and tools to get up and running. We'll explore how partners are building their plugins and how your can leverage open source assets to jumpstart your development.

Once you see his session, do not forget to check out the recorded webcast from Consultant In Your Pocket on deploying the plug-ins and widgets and register for IamLUG.
 July 15 2010 02:49:13 PM       by IamLUG Information

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