The Gathering of North American Lotus User Groups

How to break Xpages . . and the new IamLUG agenda in pdf

We published the agenda yesterday, which was then nicely rendered using Xpages on a Domino 8.5 server.  However, people started reporting blank spots with no session showing.  Some even saying they saw differences on the same machine using two different browsers!  Or worse they could see it fully on one machine and not on others.  It went in every imaginable scenario direction with no resolution.  Refreshing might even change what you saw on the agenda slots (meaning a session there and then magically gone).  So while we were making a printed copy for everyone, it was easier to combine it all and publish it in advance while Xpages comes to work as it pleases.

IamLUG is using numerous rooms at the event for sessions, sponsors, parties, testing and dining.  So we expanded the database to let us use 6 rooms across the days.  In the attached PDF, we show you all the schedule, the exact rooms and what session will be presented.  So without further interruption, we present the agenda.

IamLUG 2009 Session Schedule.pdf

(agenda updated July 23rd)

     July 22 2009 02:27:06 PM       by IamLUG Information        Comments [0]