The Gathering of North American Lotus User Groups

IamLUG 2011 registration is now open!

The team is happy to announce that IamLUG registration for the 2011 event is open!  With the third year coming, look for more enhancements, special surprises and the same great technical content you have grown to expect from the FREE event courtesy of our amazing sponsors.

is also being brought back due to demand.  Day events already booked at XPages 201 with Matt White and Lotus Traveler with Paul Mooney (partnering with Teamstudio).  You will receive the discount code in your registration confirmation email.

We look forward to being full once again, so make sure to register early.  However, just as in past years, do not register if you do not plan on attending.  This free event due to the generosity of the sponsors.
     April 20 2011 08:00:00 AM       by IamLUG Information        Comments [0]