The Gathering of North American Lotus User Groups

IamLUG in social media with hashtag usage. Flickr, LinkedIn, Facebook group and more!)

We have some special things that will happen while at IamLUG, no matter if you are there or keeping an eye on things remotely.  The hashtag is like a tiny piece of duct tape that helps smoothly bind a lot of it together.  Please use the #IamLUG hashtag for all your communication on any of the social media networks so we make sure we pick it up. One of the key things is to start connecting to each other to share information and build a better community.

 So what things do we have in store?

uStream - we will be broadcasting a few things live from the event so make sure you watch Twitter, PlanetLotus and other area to know the schedule.

- you know that we are already on Twitter, but look for some cool things for you to interact remotely with everyone there.  A further announcement on that will be up shortly.  Don't forget to use the hastag !

Flickr - There is a group for IamLUG, please feel free to join right here!  You could also help by tagging your pictures with the proper hashtag so it can be caught by other applications as well.  For example any pictures on Flickr can be tagged #IamLUG and will be seen by us.

- there is an official IamLUG group on LinkedIn for you to join, network and share information.  Many of your filled out your LinkedIn profile information when registering as a delegate, join the group and stay in touch with everyone if this is your site of choice

- of course there is a Facebook group !  Please feel free to join the group, share photos and videos and grow the event!  Tell all your Lotus geek friends where you are headed and how things go while there.

Brightkite - set your location while at IamLUG to let everyone know you are there and make them envious.  Brightkite has an iPhone application, a BlackBerry application, a web interface or can use SMS.  You can connect via your Facebook account or make one on there.  Make sure you start connecting to each other, IdoNotes seems to use it heavily

     July 20 2009 09:32:00 AM       by IamLUG Information        Comments [0]