The Gathering of North American Lotus User Groups

The IamLUG 2010 agenda is published !!

We are happy to announce that the agenda for IamLUG 2010 is online.  While the sessions have been there for weeks, the actual agenda itself was finalized.  Matt White stepped in to make a couple changes on his vacation (for that we say thanks and Happy Birthday and go attend his XPages 101 class via TackItOn).

Now is the time to figure out what excellent session you will see and  what sponsor spotlight you will attend at lunch as well.    Grab one of the last seats and do not feel left out.

Also keep in mind we will be live streaming the keynote address from Doug Cox, Vice President of Lotus Development and Support.
     July 22 2010 12:27:03 PM       by IamLUG Information        Comments [0]